Established Profitable Auto Care, SBA Approved
California/No cityFinancials
- Price: $199,999
- Gross Income: $419,189
- Cash Flow: $150,630
- FFE: $0
- Inventory: $5,000
- Real Estate Value: $0
- Source Data:
About the Business
- Listing ID: #10811
- Year Established: 1992
- Financing: SBA approved
- Training: 3 weeks, 30 hours per week
- Facilities: The current lease will expire on 4/30/2023, a new lease is available, Rent $4,366, 2,200 square feet, Hours Monday thru Friday from 8:45 am to 5:30 pm, Saturday from 8:30 am to 5 pm
- Competition:
- Growth:
- Employees:
Property Descriptions
The building is custom built for an oil changer/repair shop. It is set up for operational efficiency and customer convenience. The shop has 6-bays,(4-oil change pits and 2 repair bays)and is about 2,200 square feet. The shop's primary business is oil changes, smog Tests, tune-ups, brake work, A/C, and preventive maintenance. The owner is pretty Hands-On. The owner's wife works in the business, doing mostly bookkeeping, and light paper work. There are 2 FT and 2 PT Technicians. Owner is selling to retire after 15 years at this location. Must see to appreciate full potential of business. SBA Preapproved. 10811
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Business Listed By
1475 S Bascom Ave, Suite 113, California, Campbell
- E-mail : sanjose@business-team.com
- Web : https://www.business-team.com
- Phone : 408-385-0412
- Company : BTI Group / Business Team
- Listings : 52